Are these your cleats?

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If we were the children of Israel when Moses left to talk with God, I imagine we would have made a golden football or goal post instead of a calf. At least when I log on to Facebook that?s the impression I get.

Do I like football? Absolutely! Do I post football comments on social media? Sure, sometimes. So does that make me a hypocrite whith what I?m about to say? You be the judge and see what percentage of my posts are sports related. Bottom line is what I?m about to say is directed towards anyone who the shoe (or cleat in this case) may fit.

Very first commandment. ?Have no other gods before me.?

Jesus also said, ?Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.?

What?s your god? Where is your heart?

The passion and even anger over football that I see from Christians on Facebook and other social media outlets tells me a lot about their god and their heart. It?s sad really. It?s a poor testimony. A healthy dosage is expected but the volume and content is telling.

It?s time we all ask God as David did to ?Search me and know my heart. See if there be any wicked way in me.?

Trying on the shoe now.

How about you?