Blind Narcissists

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Blindness! It?s a rampant disease that effects all of us. The worst part about the blindness is that we are blind to our blindness. We say we can see but our actions prove we cannot. We continue walking into poles and out into the street in front of cars condemning the poles and the cars as the reason for our injuries.


But it?s too hard to admit we are blind because when we do that, we admit we need help. And we don?t want help because the help requires that we change our behaviors, that we shouldn?t do certain things. Blind people don?t fly planes. Would you get on a plane with a blind pilot? Yet we ask stupid questions like, ?why do these planes keep crashing?? Someone logically responds, ?It?s because the pilots are blind!? But we say, ?No, that can?t be it. It must be something with the planes. Besides we can?t offend the blind people who want to be pilots. There must be another way. Some issue with the aircraft!?


This blindness manifests itself in many ways in our culture today.


Depression is skyrocketing due to ?Facebook Envy?. Looking at all the amazing things other people are doing leads to envy which leads to feelings of inadequacy which leads to depression and sadly sometimes suicide. But we don?t want to admit that technology isn’t the problem.

It seems almost daily that a new public figure is being accused of some sort of sexual misconduct. But we don?t want to admit that the free sex, open lifestyle, and pornography could have any connection to our problem.

With recurring school shootings we again look to regulate the tools and the symptoms not the cause. It?s unthinkable to admit that there could be something deeper.

Will we ever see a day when people of one color or financial status cease to look down on and mistreat another human based on race or position?


The issue is not easy access to guns although we do need to address that swiftly.? The problem is not depression and the need for personal affirmation and self-worth. The predicament isn?t that women are treated like objects and need to be respected, although they should be treated with dignity as should everyone. Simply looking past skin color to the heart is not the ultimate cure for racism.


Killing, abuse, depression, racism; these are not the problem they are the symptoms. There is a sickness. We see the effects, not the cause.


So, what is the cause? What are we blind to?


The answer is quite clear if you believe in a higher power that identifies these behaviors as such. This higher power quantifies and defines sin based on his character and being of holiness which is in direct opposition to his nature. But if you deny this God exists, sin is not a real thing and the solution to the problems of immorality have to be solved a different way.


We deny this God who would hold us accountable and continue our quest for another solution that doesn?t involve accountability to this Holy being. Like the blind man stepping into open graves, angry that there are holes in the ground and demanding they be filled in as the reason for his plight instead of admitting he is blind and needs help with his blindness,


Why? Why would we deny this God? Especially when this very God provides healing for the blindness and relief from being bound by sin?


Because we enjoy our blindness and we want credit for solving our own problems. We don?t need help. We can do it ourselves. And most importantly, we don?t want to do it God’s way as that would make us subject to Him and we ourselves want to be God. That is the core of sin itself. We want to be God! We have committed treason.


In Genesis, Satan in the form of a snake, comes to Eve and says, ?if you take a bite of this fruit that you are forbidden to eat, you?ll be like God knowing good from evil. In fact, that is the reason God doesn?t want you to eat this. He knows you?ll be like him?


Not surprising that Satan (aka Lucifer) would use this ill-fated logic as he himself was cast from heaven for, wait for it, wanting to be God. Satan is selling the same thing he always has, he just packages it in a million different ways with an endless variety of sales pitches. We wouldn’t fall for that if it were on QVC but we buy the lie everyday in so many different forms.


But how well is this working for us? I think we know, but for most it?s just too hard to admit.


These problems manifesting themselves in our society are as old as mankind. The problem has always been the same but so has the solution. Until we allow the creator of the heart to repair it, to wash it, we will continue looking to treat the symptoms and grow more angry with the lack of resolution and change.