Covid-19 – Let’s find a solution

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The American people will stay quarantined only for so long before they revolt. The tipping point is not far away and it’s time to talk about real solutions.

There will be those whole continue to stay at home to avoid getting sick which is fine if that is what they feel is best for their safety. But the rest of the people, who by the end of April will have been stuck at home for 6-7 weeks, won’t tolerate a continuing quarantine without some sort of end-game in place. People were not meant to stay locked up, even if voluntarily.

I’m not here to argue how long the virus has actually been here, although it seems impossible that COVID-19 hasn’t been here since at least December. Likely longer. I’m also not wanting or willing to debate possible cures, who’s fault it is, whether China lied or not, whether we panicked, if the media is biased, or if our government and leaders are trying to move the country into socialism, ad nauseum.

We should stop wasting time with arguing and divisive rhetoric and focus on solutions that can restore some sense of normalcy so people can interact again and get back to work.

So, I’m throwing these ideas out there as talking points. They are A solution. Not necessarily THE solution. I do believe they are practical and could be ideas that move us in the right direction.


Mandatory Masks
I’ve cried foul from the beginning when the “experts” told us masks would not help but then they turn around and tell us that the medical community desperately needs them. Which they do! However, if it helps them then it helps everyone. So they lied. Why? I can only assume to avoid hoarding. That didn’t work well now did it?

Now, the CDC comes out and says everyone should wear masks, even cloth ones, while in public. Which means my assumptions were correct. Since we are talking solutions, let’s forget the past misinformation and move on.

Everyone must wear a mask when in public. What’s the harm in it if it means we can move about in our communities? I’ll gladly wear one if I can go to church, enjoy the lake, go to the office, or play ball at the park.

Simply put, for the next 30 days, everyone wears a mask and we start to open up society again. I understand you can’t eat with a mask on so restaurants might consider sitting people further apart as a temporary solution. Better to serve half the number of people than none at all. Going into a bank might be a bad idea, so banks can continue drive-through only if they wish. Those are just two examples of areas where masks can complicate a situation but there are reasonable alternatives to pretty much any scenario.

To be perfectly clear, this would not be in perpetuity but only for a set period of time where everyone is required to wear facial protection. This could be eased as risk is reduced.

I’m not here to propose logistics on how to get everyone in the US a mask but I believe in the American spirit to come together in crisis and make things happen! I’ll let someone smarter than me figure how to produce and disseminate them.


Test Like Crazy
The countries that have had the most success against the virus have been relentless in their testing. Germany has been testing over 100,000 people a week.

It’s no secret that test production, speed, and availability has been and still is a huge issue, but again, we can make this happen if it means we get back to work.

Everyone gets tested! Yep, all 330 million of us. Sure, that’s a monumental task and maybe a bit extreme but we may need to do the unthinkable to end the quarantine madness otherwise our government will continue with open-ended restrictions that are unrealistic at best. Start in the most populated and hard hit areas first.

Once tested, if you have the virus you are required to stay home for 3-4 weeks. A month? Well, yeah, it’s better the sick stay home for a month than all of society remain shut down. Even asymptomatic people would show positive and be required to stay home. Another option would be shortened quarantine of sick people as long as they retest and come up clean.

We already have the government providing extended sick leave benefits for people, so staying out for 3-4 weeks is certainly sustainable.

Instead of spending another 2 trillion in payout to the American people, how about using that money (I’m speaking of a second stimulus package) to go all-in on testing and mask production.


Treat the Sick
There is little time for extended trials on drugs and treatments that are showing positive results when people are dying. So give people the option if they want it.

If I’m on a respirator and could die, I don’t care if Hydroxychloroquine hasn’t been fully tested. I might be willing to take the chance. What do I have to lose?

I fully understand and agree that drugs can’t just be prescribed to every person who wants them. I’m not advocating that. What I am suggesting is giving the option for people to sign over rights to be treated with alternative options when facing dire circumstances.

There certainly could be a real supply crisis if doctors prescribe this to anyone and everyone. To combat that, ramp up production or at least only provide it to critical patients. Again, every solution has potential road blocks, but our country was built on either going around barriers or just running them over.


Reduce Screen Time
This is one we all can do right now! Stress has been proven to weaken your immune system. The more you watch the news, and log into social media the more mental stress you put on yourself.

Be informed, but not at the expense of your well-being. It won’t hurt to go 24 hours without knowing the latest death toll numbers. Missing the report on the crisis in NYC (unless you live there), or what Dr. Fauci said today isn’t going to deprive you of anything.

All I’m saying is, take a break from time-to-time.

And while you are taking a break, instead of watching more movies, start a project (or finish one you already started if you are like me), learn a new skill, exercise, read a book (start with the Bible), pray, or anything that will make you and our world a better place. You can take care of yourself and those closest to you and that makes everyone better.


Let’s level set.


The virus is not going away. Ever. Just like the flu, it’s here to stay in some form or another. We will have to live with it. (Everyone needs to get that into their heads) We shouldn’t walk around like it doesn’t matter, but until we get proven treatment and a significant amount of the population with immunity we can’t stay inside our homes. We have to do something to live a semi-normal life.

If we want normalcy to return bad enough, we will be willing to do what it takes to find solutions and put them into practice. These methods would “flatten the curve”, get people back to work, and I’m convinced speed up the process.

These are ideas to talk about and try to implement. The strategy and execution will have to come from decision makers who have the resources to act. We the citizens of this great country need to start calling on those people we have elected to present a plan of action, not continued isolation. It’s not sustainable and the ripple effects of staying on this path will be far more devastating than the virus.

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