One in the fold!

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As a follower of Christ and a father, there is nothing in this world more important to me than knowing my children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

This past Sunday my oldest son got up from bed. He said he was afraid he wouldn’t go to heaven. I asked why and he replied “because I’ve been sinning a lot lately”. My 8 year old was able to admit he was a sinner. Something many people can never do. It’s the first step. You know, admitting you have a problem.

After he answered several questions he wanted to settle his eternal existence. I told him to talk to God in his own words. It was sweet to hear him open his heart to the Lord. I hear so many people talk about saying the sinners prayer or leading someone in it. I don’t care for that approach. It’s so robotic and insincere sounding to me. The thief on the cross simply said “remember me”. No one had to tell him what to say and Jesus didn’t reply with condemnation about not using the right words. He welcomed him.

I pray for my little ones all the time. I beg God to open their eyes to their need for Him. He has answered my prayer. One in the fold, two to go!