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c210A man after God?s own heart was the description given to King David in the Bible. That?s what any God fearing man wants said of him.

My name is Clay and I have a heart. A heart of clay. Yes the play on words is intentional. My heart desires to see God glorified and his name worshiped.

I’m a father of three. 2 boys and a girl. I have been married for 17 years to my bride who serves with me in leading a Life Group at our church. We attend North Hills Church in Greenville, South Carolina. I also serve as a Elder and consider it a very humbling and sobering calling.

The perspective of my writing is always going to begin with the approach that God is sovereign and his word has everything we need for direction and wisdom in life. I may?voice my opinion on topics?related to news or culture, but never in a way that would contradict what I believe is a biblical world view based on Scripture, doing so?with a heart of humility but at the same time with certainty of the truth that it teaches.

There are thousands of bloggers out there, many who are much more eloquent than me, however, I do pray that the words contained in this site will in some way impact at least one person positively in their life.


“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive?the crown of life,?which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12