Category: General

Professor Dad

It wasn’t that many years ago that a Dad staying at home to watch the kids was unheard of and even today while not as rare, also not the norm. In Christian circles the primary breadwinner has traditionally been the father while the mother stayed home to care for the house and the children so naturally when homeschooling started gaining… Read more →

Blind Narcissists

Blindness! It?s a rampant disease that effects all of us. The worst part about the blindness is that we are blind to our blindness. We say we can see but our actions prove we cannot. We continue walking into poles and out into the street in front of cars condemning the poles and the cars as the reason for our… Read more →

Right or Wrong

I’ve always had a difficult time dealing with false accusations. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t, really. This comes form an innate desire for justice. Something a just, holy, and loving God placed in us when he created us. But we also have fallen DNA that wants more than simple justice. Our desire is to be right. Not the one… Read more →

The Ark Encounter

An Encounter with the Ark

It?s BIG! Colossal, actually. You can see The Ark from I-75 in Kentucky sitting on a hill, seemingly waiting for the water to rise and float it away! A replica of God’s Ark sitting on one of the many rolling hills in the bluegrass state. It’s quite spectacular and even more so up close. After a few minutes inside you… Read more →

C. S. Lewis Quotes

Most people who know me are aware of my affinity for C.S. Lewis. As a kid I first met the author via his Narnia series and later in life began reading Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, Screwtape Letters and others.? While I haven’t read all of them (I would like to some day say I have) there are many… Read more →

No Hope on Quora

For those of you not familiar with it is a site that you can ask any question and get an answer. The answers may not be good ones or a right one but you will get some sort of answer. I mostly read and refrain from responding but I found one question I could not ignore. The question was,… Read more →

A tale of two quarterbacks!

?How can you be a Florida State fan and sleep at night? they asked? ?I was raised in Tallahassee and have been a Seminole fan all my life. Plus I even have Seminole Indian in my blood? I replied. ?But Jameis Winston? How can you like him?? ?I can?t stand him!? I said emphatically. ?And most of Nole nation is… Read more →

Are these your cleats?

If we were the children of Israel when Moses left to talk with God, I imagine we would have made a golden football or goal post instead of a calf. At least when I log on to Facebook that?s the impression I get. Do I like football? Absolutely! Do I post football comments on social media? Sure, sometimes. So does… Read more →

One in the fold!

As a follower of Christ and a father, there is nothing in this world more important to me than knowing my children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. This past Sunday my oldest son got up from bed. He said he was afraid he wouldn’t go to heaven. I asked why and he replied “because I’ve been sinning a… Read more →