Category: Man Up

What Makes a Great Dad?

I?m sure you have heard the line ?Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad?. So what makes a great Dad? It seems some of the greatest Dads I know of, including my own, are often not famous and in fact they are often in the shadows. How would you like to have been… Read more →

Show Up

Men need to show up. Show up to church. Show up to your child’s school program. Show up to small group or bible study. Men have no problem showing up to work but familial responsibilities go right out the window if it clashes with our plans. I find it interesting how the boss has more power over our actions than… Read more →

Cursed Blessings

I spent 10 months without full time work and as any man knows who has gone through even a short period of unemployment, it takes a toll on you. I’m grateful for the amazing way God provided for us during that time of financial drought. I’m sure that topic will re-appear in future posts because it was an amazing time… Read more →