Cursed Blessings

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I spent 10 months without full time work and as any man knows who has gone through even a short period of unemployment, it takes a toll on you. I’m grateful for the amazing way God provided for us during that time of financial drought. I’m sure that topic will re-appear in future posts because it was an amazing time of growth in our lives. Now that I am gainfully employed again, I have to admit I miss the closeness I had with Christ as I leaned so heavily on him during those days. I don’t miss the uncertainty we lived with but like we often do there is a level of comfort that sets in and we become too busy to spend the same amount of time in communication with God.

I have noticed an alarming trend in the lives of men when it comes to blessings on their lives. God gives them a new job, a promotion, or financial blessing and it seems to have a negative effect on their marriage and their walk with God. It’s not that they don’t have the time, it’s a priority issue. What happened to men of character that would not take a job on Sunday or any other time that took them away from attending and serving in their local church? Where are the men who will modify their schedule to make time for family or small group?

We turn God’s blessings into curses that deeply effect our lives for the worse not the better. The sad part is I see men all the time do this then wonder why their marriage is struggling and their kids are acting out. We need men with God centered priorities who will put their desires on the back burner in exchange for the kingdom.