Did Man Create God and the Bible?

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As I was reading Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem on the doctrine of scripture, I was reminded of the argument that believes the Bible is just a man made book and God is merely a made up concept. You will never hear me claim to be a?theologian or even a smart man at that but strictly from a common sense point of view man could not invent the Bible or the God of the Bible. Here is my common sense case (in short).

Let’s begin by briefly considering the gods than man has created. The Greek gods had weaknesses that made them vulnerable and among these gods were petty squabbles. The Islamic god Allah is a god without grace and compassion, a tyrant really. Without listing other specific examples, every god outside of the God of the Bible, all require some form of works to gain favor from the god.

Every god ever created by man contains attributes of man. In contrast, the God of the Bible is the exact opposite to us. He is impartial, merciful, eternal, ever present, all knowing, patient, loving yet fair in judgment, unending in grace and the list goes on. Can we at times display some of these characteristics? The argument can be made that we can have fair judgement maybe even loving but I would argue no. We cannot in a full and complete way possess any of these because they are infinite, perfect and complete. But that is not this discussion.

Why would man with his DNA so bound by the need to earn and prove self worth create God who freely gives grace through faith in his Son’s sacrificial death? Or create a timeless God when man himself is bound by time. Without God and his declaration and definition of eternity we would not even have that concept.

I’m stopping short in order to challenge your thinking on this topic. Think about eternal punishment, redemption, good and evil, as well as many other attributes of God’s character and how those completely defy the notion that the God of the Bible is invented by man. I find great comfort in this and hope you do as well!