No Hope on Quora

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For those of you not familiar with it is a site that you can ask any question and get an answer. The answers may not be good ones or a right one but you will get some sort of answer. I mostly read and refrain from responding but I found one question I could not ignore. The question was, “If we all end up dying, what’s the point of living?

It wasn’t just the question that urged me to respond but rather the answers that were being provided. Hopeless answers! Here is what I wrote in response:

What a beautiful question. You are asking a question that cannot be answered by anyone on this website or on this planet. You are asking a question that is put in the heart of every person on earth by the One that made you. The great news is: He also provides the answer.

Sadly though most responses here discount a higher power, criticize and even scoff at religion. Yet those who do believe in the Creator are not the ones asking these questions. They have the answer but few are interested in the answer because if you believe in a higher power, you are subject to that higher power and human nature wants nothing to do with accountability. Our nature wants to pursue whatever we desire without having to answer for our actions.

You were made unique and beautiful. Set with talents that are specific to you. You have thoughts and emotions that tell you there is something more. Because there is! The vast majority of answers on here provide no hope and in fact create more despair.

The real question is this: Will you accept the hopeless answers that you see here or will you pursue the truth about the One who gave you the ability to ask and reason through tough questions?

“…I came that they (you) may have life and have it abundantly.”

So why am I posting this on the blog? Because I see an opportunity for engagement and I want to challenge us all to engage people through technology. Many people are scared to talk to someone about Jesus and His Gospel mostly out of fear (which is another topic for another time) but people are searching and we have the answers. Being bold behind the keyboard is an oxymoron but it’s a great place to start sharing your faith. But do it with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:25). The advantage of doing it online is you have the chance to take your time responding and word it in the best way possible.

You will notice that my response is not combative nor is it scripture laden. I reference a verse at the end without address? in hopes that the reader will begin a search. In this case my goal is not to give the entire Gospel or write a diatribe about the full story of scripture but rather provide a path for the mind to go down that leads to the Gospel. Sometimes a direct response is appropriate and other times it is not. I’m not tooting my horn saying this is the right way to respond. It’s just and example and hopefully an encouragement to engage a world that is dying in hopelessness. Read some of the answers others gave. It will break your heart.

Whether it’s, social media outlet, or blog we need to be engaging the world with the tools we are given. Jesus is alive and he offers hope for all who turn to Him!