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Men need to show up. Show up to church. Show up to your child’s school program. Show up to small group or bible study. Men have no problem showing up to work but familial responsibilities go right out the window if it clashes with our plans. I find it interesting how the boss has more power over our actions than the God of the universe.

Of course showing up is only half the battle and I won’t go into the other half. Sadly the showing up part is the easiest, yet we can’t even do that. What’s wrong? Passivity, that’s whats wrong. And it’s a sin! The message we send to those around us by taking a passive approach to involvement in important activities will reverberate into the next generation. It says everything about our priorities.

So the sin is passivity, what’s the antidote? That’s more than one blog post for sure. Hundreds actually. I suggest men start with the easiest thing. Show up!