What Makes a Great Dad?

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I?m sure you have heard the line ?Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad?. So what makes a great Dad?

It seems some of the greatest Dads I know of, including my own, are often not famous and in fact they are often in the shadows.

How would you like to have been Joseph, the father figure for Jesus? Talk about intimidating. Joseph is mentioned very little in scripture mainly at the beginning of Christ?s life. We don?t hear much about him but there are two times that he is mentioned directly or indirectly that I think are key.

First we see him in acts of obedience when God speaks to him. Twice God appears to him in a dream and tells him about his ?fianc?? Mary and why she is pregnant, and a second time when God tells him to flee to Egypt. Joseph takes God at his word and obeys. Think of what he had to put up with because of that. ?Oh sure it?s not your kid.? ?God?s son? Yeah right.? Scripture doesn?t say those things were said but I can?t help believe he had to endure ridicule and a lot of questions at the very least.

Another time we see him mentioned but not by name is in Luke 2. You know the story when he stays behind and the family heads home? Think it?s bad forgetting the hair dryer or a pair of shoes after you leave on a trip, have you forgotten your kid? How about God?s son?

Verse 41 of Luke 2 says ?his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover”. In those days homes were patriarchal and we can confidently assume that Joseph lead his family to faithfully be in the temple and involved in the things of God.

The point is Joseph was faithful and obedient. He was in God?s house and when God spoke he listened and obeyed even when it cost him.

Want to be a great Dad? Be faithful. Faithful to be in worship and service to others at your local gathering of the body of Christ. Be faithful to your wife both emotionally, physically and spiritually. Be faithful to teach your children the word. Be faithful in disciplining your children the way God instructs. Be faithful in your walk with God. And be obedient. As you read His word, hear it preached, or when God speaks to you through The Holy Spirit, be obedient! Do what he says! We often want deep, profound wisdom or 5 step programs to be a great Dad but the reality is, the formula for being great is quite simple.

While scripture all points to Jesus, we can still gain a lot of wisdom from a man who humbly served faithfully and walked in obedience. That?s what makes a great Dad.